Wednesday, July 02, 2008

hair (the musical) poem

i am feeling pretty good,
after reading
the New York times
article on hair.
hair the musical.
you had a old
casset in your
car, the Burgundy
camery your
dad used to drive.
you loved hair.
fucking loved it.

This is dawning of the age of aquirus,
you were a libra,
i was the aquirus.
we got along famously.
because of this.

i agree.

you would agree, if we were still talking...

I actually don't know any of the words.
to the song, or any other song.
and i thought about you,
loving it,
and that time i
we watched grease after we broke up.

ok ok.

i know they are completely diffrent.
one is musical about hippies.
the other a musical about greaser.

I agree,
and i am sure you would
agree as well.
you were the libra,
i was the aquarious,
we got along famously,
maybe because of it...
until we didn't.
also maybe because of it.....


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