Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Plan


The plan is simple.
Go talk to her.
Get to know her.
wait for the first clean shot
take it.

rinse and repeat-


All the timing is off, and all i can do is watch her go...

nothing ever goes according to plan.
some men spend fifty years married to a woman they hardly know.
some men spend fifty years in prison for an idea that seem good at the time.
some men never see it coming
some men build bomb shelters
some men never learn

some men never need to have a plan B
some men have only ever make escape plans.

some men never make plans,
I am not one of those men.


I was loyal to the master plan and found her.

I takes her
seven days to say yes to my

But she has yes none the less,
and the
dance has begun.

We make plans
to see each other.

I don't know
if all the
stars will line up,
 or if the sun will eclipse
the moon.
if the water will freeze in winter cold.

But I do know I'll meet her half way.

She is a good girl,
and I hope to show her
I'm a good guy.

Well, at least I  plan to.


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