Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Andrew Dreams of Trains

(From the Getaway Series)

His eyes go wide 

with the love for trains.

He can't hide it.

Enthusiasm  is contagious-

Clack Clack Clack

and in the background-

there is the sound of the ocean tide.

Ah little one 

(Le Petit Prince) 

Standing behind your mother 

Like a light house guiding you

in this life.

Keeping you safe.

You peek 

as she stands proud and 

one day you will want to go see where the trains go-

move from behind your mother,

but that is someday-


Brave little guy

Born curious always akin "why"?,

(Don't worry kid even I'm still askin "why")

You love the trains

and like a train one day

 love will take you

where need go. 

You were born brave, 

well maybe not quite born brave-

No, no you get that from your mother.

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