Monday, July 20, 2015

The Call

we were sitting on the grass,
you were looking so pretty in the light of day.

you took off your shoes
we watch the squirrels do their dance.

They chase one another.

One in the tree waiting so gracefully for the other
the second stalls, keeping the first in suspense.

Then chase  turns to dance-
something calls the other, and they just can't run away.

I turn back to you,
and your lookin so pretty in the sun.

You put your hand on my knee like its gonna be alright-
as if the world ain't so bad.

You say its a good thing the phone hasn't rung,
so I run to a tree before its too late to knock on wood.

You pick up the phone as it starts to ring
(oh so ironically)
but it was gonna happen sooner later.

Nothing can last
not her beauty
not the dance
not hope

It can not last-

The future is unpredictable-
The present is perfect.

Her hand on my knee can not last.

The Dance must end
The Chase must end
one will either escape or the other  must be
be caught.

And then, well I can not know until it happens...

There is this moment-
There is nothing else.

I look at you one last time,
stand up, brush off grass 
and you put on your shoes.

My life's about to change,
in ways I still do not understand yet.

We were waiting for a call,
but really we waiting on a miracle.

You were so pretty, everything else fades away.
My world is about to burn.
I will use you.
I will use her.
I will start a new fire to ignore the other.

I have a difficult conversation ahead of me,
as different girl must be let go,
a different girl who does not want my love
who also does not need my love.

I must answer the call.

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