Monday, April 08, 2024

Next Tues

 She was, is, was-

A bit of a,

Uh, umm

I have it written down somewhere 

see you next Tuesday 



We, do -

the wave.

Now surf-

It’s the lastest-

The surfer stomp:

It’s the latest 


She was a bit 

Craze craze

All the Rage.



A fad.

Super sonic,

The S is for super-

Look up in the sky, it’s a bird it’s a plane…

She was a bit -

A tad -

A pinch -

Sugar and spice.

She was a bit.


She was a bit much.

A bit 

Ch ch ch ch

Turn and face the strange.

Why xwhyz?

Sometimes you feel like a nut.

Sometimes you don’t 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Poem Scraps II

[Before the whole cookie crumbles]

and the days feel like they are getting shorter,

and shorter

the light is dimming,

and the shadows

grow longer,


until it becomes the night

Turning down noble prizes like Jean Paul Sartre 

The Christmas card

my mother gave me-


blank with the exception of my name

Had I been even slightly better lookin 

I would have ended up 

listenin to Hip Hop and learning Tagalog 

I can not fly, without you,


refuse to fall

by myself

[Thought I'd  expand my horizons-

I'd never dated a Persian girl before.]

You held on

and now sing this song 

about how everything went wrong.

sing about the grief 

but oh the relief 

such relief

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wha or Nothin Rhymes with Else

You fought it with all you had.
You can tell everyone 
in a full page Sunday ad-

Your hands left raw, blistered and bleeding
from holding on
to what was already gone-
and won't be needing.

You held on 
empty handed-

Confess now...

Was it my pride
were we slightly landed
our vow to 
die or ride

It's what the script demanded 

Sittin with an empty cup.

You can say didn't quit
when nobody brings it up.

Shout about it or put it on the shelf-

You can say you toughed it out,
when the conversation is about something else.

It was dumb 
a waste of time 
even you can admit
this shit was not worth mentioning in rhyme 

Haunt them from below 
and above ground.
Flaunt all you want,
when there's no one around.

Cry all you like,
just don't make a sound.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Aquarius X

"Yesterday, I was the dream weaver,

 but now I am reborn

I was the Walrus, but now I am John."  -J L

{Draft 1}

Monday, December 11, 2023

10 Reasons I Wanna Write Part 1

 (As posed in Writing Down the Bones by N. Goldberg

I want to write because...

1) the 17 year old still in me, is still trying so fucking hard to impress her.

2) Bukowski made personal truth seem more important than fitting in.

3) I'm sad.

4) I want to use poetry as bait, to land and fall in love with a girl whose mother and father loved her, and raised her to not be broken, maybe she'll let me in on the secret.

5) I never got tattoos in the 90 like a fucken idiot, and I wanna be interesting. 

6) I want to join the Velvet Underground, are they still a thing.

7)  I'm not the worst at it, or at least that's what it says on the box.

8) I forget what Eight was for.

9) I got a couple poems published, it was a treat to see the book in a Barnes and Noble, and when I die I will live on in those poems, and in those books like a ghost. I wanna fill it up with many ghosts to haunt that bitch, like the Haunted Mansion ride.

10) I can only really connect with you in art, I secretly  don't like you.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Pirates of the Not Caring After Being There

{workin draft)

I’m on my way

You drew me a map and on it an x -


Marked the spot. 

You buried me deep down-

Like a


Saving booty for 

The shipwreck sailors 

Holding limes for scurvy 

(expand scurrvy to coded std on then a fuked up you cant give what yo dont have motif)

Peg legs to jam into square holes

And parrots who don’t feel like talking.

I know the map by heart

And I got a ship too

I follow the stars 

I follow the tabloids  

I follow you on the Gram

I know where I’m going 

i know what im doing

My face  tattoos suggest as much

Where I’m going 

Is where you’ve been

Returning to the the scene of the 

I would offer my condolence to men 

who worshiip the 

ground you walk on

But I've no love

for Landlbbbers?

and we set sail 

at high tide 



has no old 


chest is empty 

empty chest

still beats without a



Yo hoo Yo hoo hoo 

Shots fired


"The  cannon balls on this guy" 

leaving you on your knee

or fetal postion 



skulll and bone 

brain and fuck

numb and funny

skull and bone

skull numb and bone funny

Monday, December 04, 2023


We close our eyes-

It is cold ,

but we are looking for a moment 

where the absence of light and color 

reveals the world outside-


not the one

that only exists 

inside our minds. 

We are in a chilly darkness

where everything disappears 


atoms of air 

enter you,

you exhale -

I breathe in 


of air 

In the invisible world the atoms




We know that tree is still there-


That there’s still a moon-

"Of course it is!"

That  when I open my eyes you’ll still be 


She says "That’s down right Cartesian" 

Cogito ergo sum baby 

Cogito ergo sum

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bitch Please

Don't say that

Don't do that

Think this

Think that

We don't use those words

You must be this

or else 

I wont be that

You must be 

Be exactly like me

We are not allowed to 




Or else 

Or else

Bitch Please, 

it’s not my fault you can’t understand art,




to make it.